2018-2019 Season
2018 September 19, 2018: Ian Bowman, How do we empower employees in the age of Digital Disruption? (details) October 17, 2018: Niraj Patel, Blockchain: Successful Implementations Require a Different Approach (details) November 14, 2018: Matthew Kopp, How to choose an SDWAN solution and deployment (details) December: Holidays Break -- No meetings |
2019 January 16, 2019: Zachary Mccoy, The Reality of Artificial Intelligence vs. Media Hype and Misinformation (details) February 27, 2019: Liquid Interactive, Project Management in the Digital Age, A joint chapters and industry event March 20, 2019: 2019 Technology Leaders Forum at LCCC April 22, 2019: The 2019 Annual Facility Tour hosted by TierPoint (a limited capacity tour) May 15, 2019: Matthew Kopp, Unified Communications June 19, 2019: Annual Celebration & Planning Meeting (members & by invitation only) |